Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My gift is my song and this ones for you....

Well I spent the weekend pretty much doing nothing. Did laundry and watched some movies I had downloaded during the week. I watched "The Forbidden Kingdom" pretty good movie it had all the things I have come to love in a Jackie Chan film. I found a gym, well sort of it is a weight room and I am starting to go, trying to get back in to shape. Everything here has been good. Yesterday I got completely soaked, since I had to ride my scooter home in a downpour. I gotta tell you it is hard to see in the rain when you don't have a windshield, my sunglasses unfortunately didn't come with their own wipers. Well that's all for now, I miss you all and will talk to you soon. Oh and I wanted to especially congratulate Johnny's little Troopers they did their job and Arlie is totally preggers! I'm gonna be an Uncle..... How cool is that!


LalalaLaura said...

Who is arlie? Yay. Uncledom is very fun! Just ask Justin how much he enjoys it. Hope you're week is off to a good start!

Johnny T. said...

you are darn right my little troopers worked! haha i know it's going to be great man. wish you were here now, we are going to sale our house. we really want to upgrade. we are making a lot more money now and we really want to live in Webb City. We have been looking at houses. anyway, enough of this gibber gabber..haha i am sure we will still be in this house by the time you get home so i will talk to you about it in more detail later. later uncle patrick!! haha