Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just another day in Paradise

So another week of school has gone past, had a lot of fun teaching. I have some pretty cool students, went to lunch with a group of them yesterday and then they invited me to the Yenshui night market. A lot of fun, even though after a while I began to feel like an ape in a zoo. People can't help but to stare when they see the giant white guy, it kinda cracks me up. Some of the girls from my class today wanted to have their picture taken with "Teacher". I only took one picture of the group, trying to maintain the teacher student relationship at least for a little while. I will include the pic of the girls, and some random shots on campus. I miss you all and will talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Johnny T. said...

man, your pics are great! looks like you have been keeping busy! oh yeah, and you better be keeping a proper teacher/student relationship..haha