Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's the Ice cream man..... well not really

Here in Taiwan they have a very strange garbage system. They pick up your trash everyday here with a musical truck. I found this little video that shows a typical day at the garbage truck.


AwakeningDezign said...

that is so funny. It's like our ice cream trucks but you fead them your food babies and garbage.
tried calling you the other day and left a message. no luck! lates


Brooke Higgins said...

This system shows their concern about cleanliness. I liked it. luton car parking

EthanBryan said...

Every country have their own rules and regulations. It seems amazing and they show their concern about the cleanliness of their country. cheap meet and greet luton

Meet and Greet Heathrow said...

This is very interesting story.Heathrow Terminal 3 Parking